Hello Everybody, i am

Rahul Bisht

(Full Stack Web Developer)

Tech Enthusiast | Open Source Contributer | GitHub Campus Expert | AngularJs & NodeJs Developer

About Myself

Hi i am Tech Enthusiasts interested in Innovation & Technology and I'm a highly motivated Full Stack Web Developer with a great passion for Web Design and Development. I'm always looking for new things to learn, with Google as my teacher and code editor as my notebook. Coding is my life, exploring web technologies and techniques, developing cool stuff. Anything that can help me in expand my knowledge is always welcome. My Motto in work (as in my life) is to "Take the impossible, make it obvious"


Total Donation


Total Projects


Total Webinars Attend

Python 85%

C & C++ 90%

AngularJs & NodeJs 70%

Sublime 95%

MongoDB 90%

HTML & CSS 90%

Javascript & Django 90%

Bootstrap 70%

What People Say About Me !

"I Treat Google as my Teacher & Code Editor as my Noteook"
Mr Bisht